Sunday, April 19, 2009

First 5K behind me

Well it is official. I have ran my first race. See the photos here.

Shelley Miller (aka Coach) and I ran the Youth Villages 5K in Memphis yesterday morning. It was my first time to run a race, to run in the morning and to run with poor weather.

I did it in 38.16 minutes. It was great, and miserable at the same time. I will be doing another.

The pity parties over Jacks cancer diagnosis is about gone. We will get a surgery date next week. We are ready to tackle this with the love and support of our church family and Our GOD!

I have the final weigh in for the Feeling Fine in 2009- I hope to lose 15 pounds - better would be 18- which would be 10%.

Monday, April 13, 2009

A long week- running and cancer?

Well. where to start. Running is really taking off. I have been running hills and pushing myself. I think (hope) I will be ready for my first race this weekend.

Last weekend was Easter- the rising of my Lord- full filling prophecy. My GOD LIVES!

Saturday was Nick's 13th birthday... he was shocked with his getting a black powder muzzle loader gun. He was pumped. we were camping and it was a great weekend for it.

The cancer... Jack got results last Thursday of the prostate biopsy... stage 1 adnocarcinoma. He was shocked. I had a bad vibe and thought this was coming. well... he has been real emotional about it and moods are up and down. I feel so awful for him - there were 2 options for treatment- radical prostectomy or radiation. surgery= approx 100% cure versus radiation with about 80% cure. NO doubt of the answer... surgery.

we will be planning that in about 8 weeks or so...

so much going on... so much for one family... but GOD can help us do anything and make it through anything. AMEN!

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Friday's Run on the river

well, it has been 2 days since a major accomplishment and I felt jiggy- so I went back to the river and brought on another tough run.

I ran 2.8 miles straight- only stopping for water once. It felt great.

Shelley and I signed up for my first 5K in 2 weeks in Memphis- the youth villages race. I am pumped-- the main concern for me now is I have only been running on flat lands, literally.. and the race will be hilly... so I am feeling that I can do the run part- but the hills will be a hindrance... so that is my next challenge.

I am progressing along great and feel wonderful. i am slowly losing weight and my clothes are fitting well.

God is good to me.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Almost a 5k?????

Well on weds following a very busy week with revival and going to the Chris Tomlin concert- I finally got a run in.

I went to the river to run after work before church. I walked for 5 minutes and then started running... about a mile on the grass area by the river- but the terrain being so uneven was making my left knee hurt, so I walked for another 5 minutes or so and then got up to the sidewalk- ran the entire length... 1.5 miles... so 2.5 miles total of running and 3 miles total.

Feels great. I am so pumped.

Today it poured and I was barely sore- mainly just stiff from sleeping over night. anyway- plan to run Friday and Saturday and get to the point of adding strength training since everything I am reading says to.

Got a doc appt. Monday for BP check and swelling legs and then jack will get his biopsy results next Thursday and i will be off work that day and the Friday for Good Friday. Nick's b-day is that weekend... he is growing up so fast.

More will continue- as Shelley and I are choosing my first 5k to run.